Seborrheic keratosis Treatment in jaipur, Seborrheic keratosis cost & doctor

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What is seborrheic keratosis?

Seborrheic keratosis (SK) is a common and harmless skin growth that usually appears after 45-50 years of age. It is not contagious. People are more concerned about it because it looks like skin cancer, warts or precancerous lesions. If they are increasing in number or size you should consult with your dermatologist.


What is cause of seborrheic keratosis?

  • Cumulative ultraviolet radiation exposure (although covered skin can also involved)
  • Hereditary
  • Internal malignancy (SK with sebosudden onset, numerous, rapid progression should look for internal malignancy)

Who can get seborrheic keratosis?

  • Old age > young
  • Fair skin > dark skin
  • Pregnancy or hormonal replacement therapy


How does seborrheic keratosis look?

It starts as skin colored to darker than skin colored small round to oval shaped rough surfaced bumps. It gradually increases in size and spread on skin with more warty surface. It gives stuck on skin appearance. It is asymptomatic except occasional itching. It can affect any body part except palm and soles. They more commonly develop on sun exposed sites like face, neck, outer aspect of forearm, hand and feet. They can present as single lesion to hundreds of lesions. If they are present in huge number with skin tags and acanthosisnigricans it is called the sign of Leser-Trelat that is associated with cancer of gastrointestinal tract and lulngs. So in case of numerous SK you should visit your dermatologist.


How do dermatologists diagnose seborrheic keratosis?

The diagnosis of seborrheic keratosis is based on clinical examination of skin lesions. Sometimes dermatologist may use dermoscope to look for uncommon changes in lesion like cysts or comedones.

What are the treatments for seborrheic keratosis?

Generally SKs are harmless and very few small lesions don’t require any treatment. But sometimes when they are present in multiple numbers or large in size and present on exposed sites patient may look for treatment due to cosmetic concern. There is no cream or oral pill that can resolve lesions of SK.

Treatment options are

Hydrogen Peroxide: A topical solution having 40% of hydrogen peroxide is under trials for treatment of SK. It needs to be applied carefully on lesions only to avoid side effects on normal skin.  Although results of this treatment are modest in early trials but it can be option for those who doesn’t want to go for removal treatments.


Radiofrequency ablation: In this treatment numbness creams will be applied on lesions which patient wants to get treated. Then with help of machine lesions will be scrapped off from skin. It doesn’t require any stiches. Wound will heal in 5-10 days depending on size of lesion.

Cryosurgery: In this treatment the SK will be cleaned by use of liquid nitrogen gas. This gas will be applied to lesion by spray gun or cotton swab. Multiple sessions may be required and then lesion will fall off.

Currettage/shave excision

CO2 Laser: It is more précised and faster than radiofrequency ablation.

The selection of treatment depends on number, size and site of lesion, patient skin type and doctor’s expertise.

What to expect after treatment of seborrheic keratosis?

At most of occasions lesion is removed by above-mentioned treatment without any side effect. Sometimes when lesions are too large wound can heal with some discoloration or superficial scarring. Alteration in pigmentation may resolve with time.


  • At early stage you should observe for skin changes, size and number
  • Don’t scratch or try to remove it with fingers it can bleed.
  • Using regular sunscreen can delay onset and progression of SKs
  • Visit dermatologist for any unusual change.


Why you should visit dermatologist for seborrheic keratosis?

  • Resembling actinic keratosis (pre cancerous lesion)
  • Too many and too rapid developments (red flag for malignancy)
  • To remove seborrheic keratosis

When you should get removed seborrheic keratosis?

  • If it looks cosmetically unacceptable to patient
  • Presence on exposed sites
  • Large size
  • Numerous
  • Irritated seborrheic keratosis
  • Resembling skin cancer

Why you should visit Dr. Kothiwala’sSkinEva Clinic for seborrheic keratosis treatment in Jaipur?

  • Consultation with best dermatologist in Jaipur, Dr Sunil Kothiwala, MD (AIIMS)
  • All treatment options are available under one roof
  • Detailed counseling to select best treatment for you.
  • Personalized post treatment follow up

For more information on Seborrheic Keratosis or to inquire about other services please contact us on 7669571405.

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Dr. Sunil Kothiwala

Dermatologist, Cosmetologist & Hair Transplant Surgeon

With more than a decade of experience including postgraduation from AIIMS & experience of SMS Hospital make,Dr. Sunil Kothiwala one of best dermatologist & cosmetologist in Jaipur. Renowned for delivering the highest level of quality care for patients in the fields of dermatology and cosmetology.

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